Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
July 15, 2008 7:00 pm
Present: Les Jones, John Hartnett, Sue McLeroth, Doug Packer
Excused: Geoff Walker, Mike Bulgaris, Worthen Taylor III
Meeting Opened at 7:05 pm
Fred Jackman (68 Green Street) – A continued NOI for roadway maintenance, drainage, ditches, utility pole installation and wetland mitigation at the junction of Emery Lane/Plummer’s Lane/Low Street. ~~On June 11, the Jackman’s requested a continuance until the August 19, 2008 meeting date. Mr. Hartnett made the first motion to accept and Mr. Jones made the second motion. All in favor.
Berj & Antonia Terzian (90 Northern Blvd.) – An continued NOI for a 125 sq. ft. addition to existing single-family home and a 15X15 ft. addition to the lower deck. ~On July 9, the Terzian’s requested that this application will be withdrawn without prejudice, thus dropped from the agenda.
Liberti Sabatino Trustee/Meadowbrook Realty Trust (191 & 195 Scotland Road) – A continued NOI for the development of the 28-acre parcels of land, including construction of 1,650 fee of roadway and 21 cluster type lots. The applicant nor a representative were present; Ms. McLeroth made the first motion to continue and Mr. Jones made the second motion. All in favor of a continuance until the August 19, 2008 meeting.
Heide Holmes (32 Old Point Road) – A continued NOI to construct an addition to a single-family home. Ms. Holmes provided a summary of the project, and showed proof of mailing of updated plan to DEP. This is a 439 sf addition; moving kitchen and placing under existing deck with a door, adding bedroom (which includes steel piling) and reduce staircase size. Chairman Packer went to the floor for abutters or questions; there was nothing additional; he then asked for a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Mr. Hartnett made the second motion; Ms. McLeroth present.
Michael Kellan (8 39th Street) – A continued NOI to construct a single-family home and to extend driveway on the ROW to provide access to the subject property. On July 14, Apple Associates on behalf of Michael Kellan requested a continuance until the August 19, 2008 meeting date. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Ms. McLeroth made the second motion. All in favor.
Richard Hoyle (12 Courser Brook Dr) – A NOI to repair an existing septic system. Representative Fred Ford from Cammett Engineering provided an overview of the project. The limit of work will be along the treeline; Corser Brook is on the back of the property. Septic is being relocated to the front of house and a dry well system is being added for the handling of the water filtration system. The BOH approved on 7/14/08, contingent on DEP approval of Registration of drywell. Chairman Packer went to the floor for abutters or questions; there was nothing additional; he then asked for a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. Hartnett made the first motion to accept and Ms. Jones made the second motion; Ms. McLeroth present.
Carol Brown Doyle (17 Sunset Drive) – A NOI to add a 250 sf deck. Representative Bob Watt from Construction Advisors provided an overview of the plan to construct a 250 sf deck. Will remove 166 sf of existing rear deck and re-construct side stairway with sona tubes. They are almost at 20% lot coverage. They have filed with National Heritage and are awaiting a response. Chairman Packer went to the floor for abutters or questions; there was nothing additional; he then asked for a motion to continue the public hearing. Mr. Jones made the first motion to continue and Mr. Hartnett made the second motion.
Diane Borggaard (10 Plummers Lane) – An RDA to erect an 8’ X8’ shed on property. Ms. Borggaard summarized her project, showing the plan, and indicating that her only option to place the shed is slightly within the BVW. Chairman Packer went to the floor for abutters or questions; there was nothing additional; he then asked for a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Ms. McLeroth made the second motion.
David Caldwell (85 Elm Street) – A NOI to construct a single-family dwelling with associated utilities. Bill Holt from Professional Land Services presented an overview of the project and the plan; property/plan has wetland A series flags in the front and the back has wetland B series flags. In total there are 1.25 acres, 154 feet of frontage and much of the lot BVW. There is a proposed 12-ft wide driveway within 21 feet of wetland and lot line. The project meets all zoning. Chairman Packer went to the floor for abutters or questions; there was nothing additional; he then asked for a motion to close the public hearing. Ms. McLeroth made the first motion to accept and Mr. Jones made the second motion.
Berj & Antonia Terzian (90 Northern Blvd.) – An RDA to construct a 9’ X 30’ upper level bedroom, and a deck expansion over existing lower level. Mr. Terzian presented an overview of the plan; a 9’X30’ rectangle addition on two steel pilings expanding over 30 feet. The deck expansion is on the adjacent side on the lower level. The entire extension is attached to the back of the house. There are three means of egress, two will be compliant. The additional impacts are the two-pilings; a crane with a pile driver will be on the street and will go over the house to install the pilings. No need to go to Zoning per the Building Inspector. Abutter Doug Fairclough of 92 Northern Blvd. wants to clarify that this project and plans have been a moving target; his comments
originally related to the plan referred to at that time. Attorney Lisa Mead, who is representing Doug Fairclough of 92 Northern Blvd., submitted a letter dated July 15, 2008 outlining his objections to the RDA submitted by the Terzian’s, which is now part of this record. This letter was read and discussed in further detail; the Terzian’s added the following in response to the letter; (1) the additions were drawn on legitimate site plan with stamp (2) the sectional with piling (including elevation) and narrative discussing concrete pad and piling placement (3) mitigation of concrete pad (6 square feet), put back 25 square feet; which is a net gain and reduced impact by 4 square feet. Chairman Packer went to the floor for abutters or questions; Denise Maloney, an abutter at 3 32nd Street stated her support of the Terzian’s project.; there was noting additional, he then asked for a motion to continue the public hearing until
the August 19 meeting date. Mr. Harnett made the first motion to continue and Mr. Jones made the second motion.
Robert & Kristina DiMartino (95 Northern Blvd.) – An RDA to convert existing driveway removed during Water & Sewer project with manufactured pavers. Mr. DeMartino summarized that they do have the right to be whole and replace blacktop with blacktop as a result of the Water & Sewer project. They are proposing to use techno block pavers instead of blacktop. Chairman Packer went to the floor for abutters or questions; Denise Maloney, an abutter at 3 32nd Street stated her support of the project, there was nothing additional; he then asked for a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Ms. McLeroth made the second motion.
Edward Mazur (33 Southern Blvd.) – An NOI to remove dormered second story and replace with full second story of same sf to include a bedroom and bath. Representative Shawn Tomey presented an overview of the plan; they are in the C-zone, so the 50% improvement does not apply. They wish to increase the roof-line by 5-6 feet, in addition to new siding, windows and roofing. There is an existing block foundation, and the Building Inspector has a stamped plan from the Engineer stating that the foundation is adequate to hold the additional weight. They are in the zoning process. Chairman Packer went to the floor for abutters or questions; there was nothing additional; he then asked for a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Mr. Hartnett made the second
Extension Permits:
George Ferullo (94-96 Old Point Road) – A request for extension of DEP File# 050-843 to construct a single-family home. Ms. McLeroth made the first motion to accept and Mr. Jones made the second motion.
Certificate of Compliance:
Steven & Sara Harrold (6 Courtney Drive) – DEP File# 050-919 for installation of swimming pool. Chairman Packer conducted a site visit on July 14, and found the project to be in substantial compliance. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Ms. McLeroth made the second motion.
Richard & Anne Morin (4 Courtney Drive) – DEP File# 050-915 for construction of single-family dwelling. Chairman Packer conducted a site visit on July 14, and found the project to be in substantial compliance. Ms. McLeroth made the first motion to accept and Mr. Jones made the second motion.
Peter Tingley (41 16th Tee Street) – DEP File# 050-934 to replace existing masonry block retaining wall & stairway with 350 sf patio. Chairman Packer conducted a site visit on July 14, and found the project to be in substantial compliance. Ms. McLeroth made the first motion to accept and Mr. Jones made the second motion.
Other Business:
Scott Gorski (70 Main Street) DEP File# 50-500; Mr. & Mrs. Gorski were before the Commission to discuss fill & blacktop that were inadvertently put in the wetland area. As a first step, the Gorski’s were going to remove about 200 square feet of blacktop and then come back before the Commission with an update.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 pm
Respectfully Submitted, Susan Noyes